How to Track Your Money… or Risk Losing it.

50% of small businesses fail after their fifth year.* To beat the odds of business failure, you need to have fully up-to-date financial information.  Gone are the days when you could get away with throwing everything in a shoebox and dropping it off to an accountant the night before your tax returns are due. Now

A Simple Guide to Organizational Charts for Small Business Owners

*** FREE Bonus Resource: Position Agreement Template*** Like most small business owners, you probably got into business for greater prosperity and freedom, not to simply create a job for yourself. Yet you find yourself doing everything in the company. And if you step away for a second it all falls apart. Sound familiar? Without planning

8 Attributes of a Successful Small Business Leader

You have built and are now leading a small business. This is an amazing accomplishment! Even though it might not feel like it at times. It’s hard to see how far you’ve come when you are busy running everything. And every day that you run your business, every reaction and decision you make shapes how

How to Get Out of Business Debt

Ever wake up in the middle of the night worried about business debt? Having too much bad debt in a business is way too common and is “THE”  primary reason why a business fails. While it is rare for a small business owner to start and run a company without ever having to incur any

Simple Cash Flow Tips for Small Business Owners

How can you make sure that you have the cash flow coming in to your business? And how much should you have in reserve for those unexpected costs? We’ve all had this moment—our tax bill shows up on schedule, but we forgot about it and suddenly we are trying to figure out how to pay

6 Simple Steps to Providing the Kind of Customer Service that Gets People Talking

Is it worth investing in your customer service system?

Ask anyone when they received the best customer service. Odds are, they will regale a story about a company that reduced a charge, or an airline that held a flight and saved their day.

Ask them whether they’ll continue buying from that company and you’ll hear about their deep loyalty and how much they recommend or repeatedly buy from that company.

When Policies and Procedures Kill Sales and Service

This holiday season I have seen more bad behavior caused by staff following policies and procedures than any other year. I doubt the owners of these companies have any clue that the systems and structure they put in place are actually hurting their service reputation and costing them money.

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Position Agreement Template

Have a reliable and organized team!

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Target Market Analysis Template

Boost your sales with this questionnaire and customer profile.

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How the Canadian Government Supports Small Businesses with Training and Coaching

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Top 10 Hiring Mistakes Guide

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Use this FREE cash flow planner to prepare for emergencies, hard times or growth. Accurately solve problems with the cash you have, not with the cash you are planning for.