3 Typical Taxes Small Businesses Need to Pay

What taxes do small businesses pay? The answer depends on what country or region you are in, plus the type of business you have! No matter where you are, you have to pay taxes to someone. There are three types of taxes that most small business owners will have to pay: Sales Tax Payroll Tax

Brilliant Branding Basics For Small Business Owners

“Branding? That’s like my company colours and logo, right?” Yes, and then some! More than a clever logo, the basics of your small business brand is the experience people have of doing business with you. It only takes a split second for consumers to make a judgement about us and our company. “Products are made

3 Things You Need to Motivate Your Team

What’s your team like at your small business? Are you happy with their work? Are THEY happy with their work? How can you motivate your team to improve their performance? People are inspired to do their best when they use their talents to positively contribute to an organization. You need to recognize your employee’s contributions.

4 Simple Ways to Reduce Expenses in Your Business

Your expenses are where you have the most control over your small business finances, although it may not feel like it all the time. Here are some ways you can reduce expenses in your business. 1. Negotiate with your suppliers Are you getting a fair deal? Do your suppliers have your back? Have you negotiated

The Savvy Entrepreneur’s Secret to Better Customer Service

Great companies are built on the solid foundation of a great reputation. And as you may know, you need excellent customer service to maintain such a reputation. So how do you create great customer service? There’s a simple thing you can do, and it all lies in your systems. Great customer service Ask anyone in

Why Every Business Leader Needs to Practice Personal Mastery

In the front window of my friend’s house is a lemon tree. It’s a small tree, sitting at about 2ft tall. For the longest time, my friend was perplexed as to why it wasn’t growing. She spritzed it with water twice a day and she rotated the pot so the plant was getting an even

A Brilliant and Basic Checklist For Choosing a Business Location

When choosing a business location you’ve probably heard this advice: “Location, Location, Location!” But what does that mean exactly? It’s more like a warning than advice. It’s like someone shouting “Speed bump!” to a 16-year old who has never driven a car. Do they speed up? Slow down? Swerve around it? Who knows! A warning

3 Reasons Why Customers Pay Your Price— or Not.

Price has a significant influence on your customer’s purchasing decision. Once a consumer becomes aware of a problem, they research and gather information including price. Then they evaluate options, make the purchase, and determine if that was a good decision or not. Pricing your product or service accurately is an art and a science. Get

The Top Tasks to Effectively Delegate for More Free Time

There is so much a business owner needs to do on any given day, it is ridiculously challenging to even think about what to delegate— let alone how to delegate tasks effectively! At this time, your delegation system might not be yielding the results you want. You try to share responsibilities, yet tasks keep falling

How to Dramatically Improve Your Management Skills.

Using the 4 functions of management! Are you winging it, when it comes to management? Maybe you are the owner of a small business, and by default or decision, you are also the manager. Or you find yourself managing a small business, and you aren’t quite sure how you got there! Either way, you often

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