20 Thought-Provoking Leadership Questions

Let’s start this off with the first thought-provoking leadership question: What can you change to become the leader needed to reach your entrepreneurial dreams? It’s essential to become aware of your own assumptions, values, principles, strengths and limitations that you bring to the table as the leader of your company. As leaders, we need to

7 Small Business Leadership Skills to Increase Your Confidence

It’s not easy being the boss. At the end of the day, the responsibility for your company’s results rests on your shoulders and it can be a heavy burden. Here are some business leadership skills you can incorporate to have an easier and more fulfilling experience as the boss! 1. Vision Go back to the

4 Communication Skills for Effective Small Business Leadership

Your greatest leadership strength is your ability to communicate. Do this well and everything else will fall into place. There are four key components to effective leadership communication: listening, planning, delegating and documenting. Listening Communication systems start with learning how to listen; to employees, suppliers, shareholders and, of the highest importance, the customers you are

4 Steps to Achieve Your New Year’s Business Resolution

It’s great to set new years resolutions for your business. It brings a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. Although as many of us know, it can be hard to keep a resolution past the first week, let alone for the next year! Here are a few strategies to keep you moving forward with your

1 Simple and Effective Exercise to Set Goals for Small Business Growth

There are 5 functional areas of business— operations, leadership, team, finance and marketing. A thriving small business pays attention to each part and finds a balance between all five. What goals can you set for each one to see positive changes in your small business? Business goals can include sales targets, profitability margins, size of

Fantastic Quotes from Famous Business Owners and Thought Leaders

Check out these quotes from famous business leaders. How do these ideas inform your business decisions? Zig Ziglar Ziglar was a fantastic salesman and motivational speaker. Warren Buffet A well-known business owner and investor. He’s frequently ranked on the Forbes billionaires list. Whitney Wolfe Heard Founder of popular dating apps Bumble and Tinder. Steve Jobs

The Secret to Effectively Managing People in Your Small Business

There are lots of business books out there that try to answer the question, “How can a boss manage their employees? How does one effectively manage people?” I say, don’t even try! What? You know as well as anyone that people don’t like to be told what to do. Trying to manage another human being

4 Things That Have an Enormous Impact on Your Workplace Culture

Think about workplace culture as the human operating system in your business. How people who work in your company (including you) behave creates the workplace culture. Culture is how people experience your company. As the owner and leader of your business, you personally have the biggest influence on your company’s culture. Culture is also driven

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