Have you taken time to review your marketing and sales strategy lately? To help you recognize places for opportunities, I created this small business marketing checklist.
If you can concretely answer all of these questions, you have a strong marketing system! If you don’t know the answer, then you’ve found an opportunity to grow your business.
The Systems Business Coach® Marketing Checklist
- Do you need to do more marketing or do you need to organize your company better?
- Who are your customers?
- What are your customers thinking, wanting, doing and being?
- What value does your product/service bring to the market?
- Do your prospects know and understand what you sell?
- What are your product attributes?
- Is it clear what customers will get for their money? Is it easy to buy from you?
- How can you best distribute your product?
- Where might you get new customers from now?
- How do you currently attract your customers?
- Is your website as up-to-date as it needs to be?
- Does your social media support sales?
- What should your marketing budget be?
- How much time do you need to be spending every week on generating new business?
- What are your benchmarks for successful marketing?
- What is it like to buy from you?
- Do you have a consistent brand that you are proud of?

Share your business!
It’s time to let the world know you are ready for business. Laser-focus your marketing efforts to attract the exact customers who will appreciate the value you bring to the market.
Feel free to leave a link to your business website in the comments! Let’s support each other on our entrepreneurial journey!
Until next time,