You have a great product. You are super proud of what you are offering. Your prospects need you and your service. You have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on a beautiful website and social media marketing. You’ve come a long way on your entrepreneurial journey BUT… you are hesitant to start selling. WHY?
Reluctance to ask for a sale is a common experience. You are not alone! What if you took some time today to reframe selling from “uncomfortable” to “empowering”?
Selling is the source of giving!
The goal of selling is to make money. There’s no getting around that. With money, you have the freedom and power to contribute more generously to your own and others’ lives. Selling makes community growth possible.
Small business owners are the most generous people on the planet. When they do well, the entire community benefits. New jobs are created, charities are supported, and families grow strong.

Entrepreneurial selling is part of the process
Don’t be afraid of spending time on this part of the process. The average micro business owner (with less than five employees) may need to spend 60 percent of their time selling. With the right systems in place, the processes can be automated and done in less time. You’ll just need some time to build those systems, and that starts by manually figuring out what works.
Remember that human beings are making the decision to buy from you. They need to feel seen, heard, and understood. Make it easy for them to buy, thank them, and give them business in return if you can.
Every effective sales system puts relationships first. After all, you’re not asking prospects to “marry” your business on the first date. So start where it makes sense to start. Ask for the first date—offer your solution—and see where it goes.
Until next time, enjoy your Entrepreneurial Journey.

Gain the confidence to sell!

We offer small business development courses that cover everything business owners need to run successful companies—including sales!