Why Listening Will Increase Your Small Business Sales

Table of Contents

How can you build better relationships with your customers and increase sales? There’s one simple thing you can do, and it’s something we’ve all been told to do since kindergarten— listen!  Sales is all about listening, not talking.

Listen to make the sale

Have you ever felt nervous to talk about your product or service?

While knowing how to talk about your business is important, it’s even more important to listen to what your potential customer needs. Sales reluctance can sometimes come from avoiding the “sleazy” of promoting your business. When you listen, you can connect with a customer, listen to their problem and offer your business as a genuine solution. You’ll both feel empowered leaving that conversation.

The most successful salespeople ask questions and listen for a response. In fact, you will likely lose a sale by dominating the conversation. Keep listening, build trust and solve their problem. Sales is about listening, not talking.

Like the King of Sales, Jeffery Gitamore says “Want to close more sales… listen more!”.

For small business owners who don't like sales

Listen to your existing customers

Listening doesn’t just help make the initial sale, it also helps keep customers long-term.

Customers give us all kinds of clues about what they want; shorter lines, hotter coffee, or faster response times.  Listen to the feedback, grumbles or praises offered by your customers to build trust and craft a better customer experience. Great companies listen to their customers and bit by bit make changes for greater efficiency, better communication, and improved service. 

I experienced this when I arrived at the Boise airport looking for the shuttle that would take me to my hotel.  I was blown away when I received a text from the hotel driver saying “Hey Beverlee, I’m here by the green sign, take your time” AND he spelled my name right.  That small gesture made me grin from ear to ear, made me feel welcome in town AND create a relationship with a hotel that will last forever.  I learned later the owner of the hotel built his entire business by listening carefully to the needs of his guests and creating detailed systems to ensure their comfort.

What do your customers want and need from you? Ask them. You will build stronger relationships. Remember that human beings are making the decision to buy from you. They need to feel seen, heard and understood.

Until next time, enjoy your Entrepreneurial Journey! Happy listening!

Beverlee Rasmussen e-signature

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