No Vision…No Problem..not yet anyway!

Table of Contents

Have a close look at this picture….it in every way describes what happens when a small business owner does not have a crystal clear vision for the future that they can live and work towards today.  Future visioning may seem “fluffy” and “new age” and not as relevant as collecting your 120 day overdue receivable or trying to figure out how to rein in your wayward team so rarely is it a priority for a busy business owner. Ok…so maybe you did the “vision” thing?  What are you doing with it?  Where is it? How often to do you talk about it and incorporate it into the daily operations of your business?   Does it define your most preferred customer so that all your lead generation activities are focusing on them?  Is you vision clear enough to use it as a measuring stick when deciding to keep or remove an employee?  Are their some goal posts on how big (or small) you want to be….how hard to you want to work anyway?  Does it reflect exactly what you intend your company to BE.  Hands down a one page crystal clear rock solid vision statement is THE most important strategic document you will ever need.  Post yours here for the world to see! Need some help pulling vision, mission and values all together in one document?….e-mail me and I’ll send you an outline to get started. It’s never too late to get started.


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