As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. Staff, suppliers, taxes, scheduling… the list goes on! The idea of adding social media networking to the mix might make you want to slide under your desk and hide.
You’re probably asking yourself “Do I HAVE to do this?”
Yes, you have to network. Does it have to be primarily on social media? Maybe not.
Having an online presence beyond a website is highly valuable in today’s market.
Do you need all social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Clubhouse, Pinterest and LinkedIn right away? That is a loud NO! A better option is to pick one to focus on and build from there.

Although, with all this online networking, where does that leave person-to-person interactions? Do we now consider it ancient history?
Definitely not!
Ask the next 10 business owners you meet where the majority of their customers came from and they will tell you “word of mouth.”
Dig a little deeper into where those conversations happen. You will find that person-to-person networking remains one of the most effective ways of generating new revenue for your company.

In a study by Forbes, they found that face-to-face meetings were 91% more persuasive than digital meetings and 84% of business executives preferred them because they build stronger and more meaningful relationships.
Even with all the power and flash of social media, those efforts results pale in comparison to what a business owner can accomplish by simply getting out in their communities. In business and in life it is often not what you know but who you know. Taking that one step further, it’s not who you know but who knows YOU!
Hands down, personal networking is the fastest and most effective way to generate new business for your company.
Getting involved in an organization or project that also serves your community compounds the effect.
Contributing in some way to your industry’s organizations is a powerful way to gain experience and insights into business development practices. Plus you can discover new opportunities in the process.
Strategically brainstorm ways you can contribute to your community. What system can you implement to make the most out of your networking?
Until next time, enjoy your Entrepreneurial Journey!