Gratitude is the catalyst for feeling joy

Beverlee feeling joy in nature

Table of Contents

Ever wonder why you don’t feel the high happy feeling of joy as often as you may have felt as a child?  I did and set out this summer to find out why.  I though maybe I wasn’t getting enough physical exercise or maybe being inside in front of the computer so often was robbing me of vitamin D or some other sun benefit affecting my mood.  Could it be that grown ups don’t feel joy as much as kids? Did  I having enough fun and excitement in my life?  I think so…   The answer came on a ferry ride from Vancouver to Galiano Island while reading one  of the many books I had brought for the adventure.  Right there on the page read “Joy comes from gratitude“.   Of course…. I have  been taking my wonderful peaceful happy life for granted .

Immediately I shifted to an awareness of gratitude…for the fresh blackberries I picked on the walk to the hotel, to the warm sun browning my smiling face, to the hundred year old trees along the road that make BC the best place in the world to live.  I felt is sure and strong…that “in your gut” surge of JOY!   …   yes book you were right gratitude is the catalyst for feeling joy.  Next time you are feeling blaa imagine what might be great in your world and see if it makes a difference.


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