How often have you found yourself restarting a significant life or business goal? Reflect on those aspirations that are still on your yearly goals list without accomplishment. These are the goals that hold personal significance, they are goals that mean something and are compelling you to persist until they are achieved.
Let’s not overcomplicate goal achievement. Goals don’t need to be SMART, they need to have a PURPOSE. Go inside, what is driving you and why?
What are your persistent goals that just won’t go away?
Here are a few of mine:
1. Be known all over the world as the human who cared enough to solve the problem of small business failure. ✅ ⬆️
2. Lead the way in Canada to Earn a Masters Degree in Coaching ✅
3. Become and ICF MCC Coach ⬆️ (2024)
4. Earn a Black Belt in Taekwondo ⬆️ (2024/25)
5. Keep a healthy body, mind and spirit ✅
5. Meet the Scorpions Rock Band members in person ⬆️ (April 11, 2024) ❤️

Wanting more, wanting a black belt instead of white, wanting to meet the band instead of sitting in the nose bleed seats at a concert, wanting to be healthy every single day so you can show up and live your best life , is all perfectly human.
There is a lesson here for every entrepreneur. You can set a goal, but just writing it down doesn’t make it mean something. That goal has to mean something to you personally. It goes deeper than just “I want to have a hundred grand in the bank.” Why do you want a hundred grand? “Because then I can sleep at night.” That’s the real meaning of your goal. The outcome of the goal means something to you—it directly affects your life.
A goal is a target. What do you need to have in place to hit it? Most entrepreneurs just want to be happy. They just want to make enough money to take the issue of money off the table, whatever that means to them. And they want the personal freedom to come and go as they please. They also want respect—they don’t want to look bad in front of customers, friends, or family.
Business goals can include sales targets, profit margins, increasing the size of your team, products you want to develop, marketing strategies, equipment upgrades, and training. They can also include leadership and personal growth goals to achieve greater balance in your personal life.
Personal goals can include freedom to choose, to do what you want, use your time the way you want.
You can use your business to help you achieve your personal goals. The last thing you want is to burn through life running your business and never achieving the goals that mean the most to you personally.
As important as your customers are, they are not the ones in the front row with you in your life.
Need help? You can’t be expected to do everything on your own.
If you are spinning your wheels coming into 2024 let’s talk. I would like to meet coaches that want to play bigger and earn more. I would love to talk to business owners and managers that see the potential in their teams and want more. I’m a star at fixing any business with you firmly in the drivers seat.
Stop doing things just because you feel you “have” to, start doing things that mean something to you, even if others told you they were impossible, do YOU and YOU will win.
You will earn your black belt in life.
And you will be happy, prosperous and free.

Thanks for letting me rant, it too makes me happy!!
What are your goals that will make this the best life ever?
Share you goals in the comments below. What are you goals and what would they mean to you to achieve them?
Glad to be on this Entrepreneurial Journey with you!