How to Use Your Confusion as the Catalyst for Getting Unstuck

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If you are like most small business owners, you are continually growing. Which leads to a lot of confusion and feeling stuck in your business. When this happens we can stumble into “imposter syndrome”. This is the feeling that you aren’t good enough or don’t belong.

The spiral can look like this:

  1. This is hard.
  2. I don’t understand
  3. Do other business owners know about this?
  4. Should I already know about this?
  5. Since I don’t know this, am I good enough to run my own business?
  6. Is this my true path?
  7. Why am I even doing this?
  8. This problem feels too big and confusing to fix.

It’s at about step two that I like to remind myself of the following quote:


Let’s repeat that: confusion is a signal to learn.

You have what it takes to learn new things. You haven’t made it this far in your business because you aren’t curious and smart. Entrepreneurs are naturally good at learning. Lean into that.

If you are confused and feeling stuck in your business, you can follow these steps to help you get into a learning state.

1. Look at the positives

When faced with a challenge, begin by identifying everything that is
good and positive related to what you are exploring. What we focus
on grows.

2. Pick the best outcome

Ask: What is an ideal outcome? What would I (we) love to see happen? There are no limitations in this moment. You have to solve this problem anyway, so why not work toward a solution that aligns perfectly with your desired vision?

3. Write systems

Make decisions on the direction you are going to go. From your list of ideal, list actions for moving forward. Design any new systems to support your ideal future.

4. Take action

Now is the time to “just do it”. Trust your vision, your curiosity and your intuition. Remember if this solution doesn’t work out, you can always make another decision. And another one. And ANOTHER one. You are limitless.

You are continuously growing. Your confusion is just signalling that you’ve grown too big for your pot and you’re ready for fresh soil!

Until next time, enjoy your Entrepreneurial Journey!

Beverlee Rasmussen e-signature

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