How to Reward Dedication and Labour in Your Small Business

How to Reward Dedication and Labour in Your Small Business

Yesterday in British Columbia there was a statutory holiday called Labour Day. Most offices and businesses took the day off. It’s a nice break from all the hard work everyone has been putting in this year. I wanted to take a moment and appreciate the labour that goes into your organization and how you can


The Secret to Effectively Managing People in Your Small Business

The Secret to Effectively Managing People in Your Small Business

There are lots of business books out there that try to answer the question, “How can a boss manage their employees? How does one effectively manage people?” I say, don’t even try! What? You know as well as anyone that people don’t like to be told what to do. Trying to manage another human being


5 Factors That Support an Ideal Work Environment in Any Small Business

5 Factors That Support an Ideal Work Environment in Any Small Business

What contributes to an ideal work environment? This is a preference that is held by you and your team. An ideal work environment will look different for every small business. Here are some key factors you can use to shape your business into a great place to work. 1. Leadership Who is leading the way?


4 Things That Have an Enormous Impact on Your Workplace Culture

4 Things That Have an Enormous Impact on Your Workplace Culture

Think about workplace culture as the human operating system in your business. How people who work in your company (including you) behave creates the workplace culture. Culture is how people experience your company. As the owner and leader of your business, you personally have the biggest influence on your company’s culture. Culture is also driven


Examples of Inclusion in the Workplace at the Cultural Diversity Awards

Examples of Inclusion in the Workplace at the Cultural Diversity Awards

On March 10th, 2022, I attended the Fraser Valley Cultural Diversity Awards with my team. Systems Business Coach® was nominated alongside 74 other individuals and businesses. Here I saw many brilliant examples of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, as well as in our local schools and community. That night we were honoured to win


145 Small Business Theme Ideas For This Year and How to Choose Yours

145 Small Business Theme Ideas For This Year and How to Choose Yours

You may think of a theme as something saved for parties or English essays. Did you know it’s also an effective tool for leading your small business? A theme is a simple thing. It’s a recurring idea that shows up in all your business goals. When you identify your theme, it acts as a guide.


7 Common Traps that Stop You From Building Trust with Your Employees

7 Common Traps That Stop You From Building Trust with Your Employees

7 Common Traps that Stop You From Building Trust with Your Employees

Do you trust your team? Or are you biting your nails waiting for a call when you are out of the office? If you are, you may have fallen into a trust trap! These are patterns small business owners fall into that could affect the performance of their team. So how can you build trust

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