Wolves & Business: A Story About Business Succession and Leadership

What can leaders learn from wolves

Wolves & Business: A Story About Business Succession and Leadership

The changes in the park’s environment remind me of the changes that took place in an organization I have been working with. In this case, the leader, who for sure can be described as a “Wolf,” stepped away from his post as leader a few years ago. He was distracted by the good life, a loss of physical energy and the notion that maybe his kids could run the company.


How Many Systems Does Your Business Need to be Successful?

Creating Systems in Your Business for Success

How Many Systems Does Your Business Need to be Successful?

In order for your business to be successful, by most definitions, you will probably find you need to document 25-50 core systems. A documented system takes many forms. It can be handwritten, a word document, excel template, audio or video recording, a checklist, or even a series of photo cards – as long as someone other than you can view it, and use it and without input from you, follow steps to get the result you want.


Smart business and delicious food create success for Hakkasan Bistro

A delicious dish

Smart business and delicious food create success for Hakkasan Bistro

Hakkasan Bistro (formerly Hakkasan Contemporary Chinese Cuisine) is a unique modern Chinese eatery that offers quality authentic Cantonese dishes with Wok Hay and Hakka-inspired soul food in a relaxed chic setting. Yvonne Wong, busy restaurateur and managing partner at Hakkasan Bistro, …..


6 Simple Steps to Providing the Kind of Customer Service that Gets People Talking

Customer Service strategies for Small Business

6 Simple Steps to Providing the Kind of Customer Service that Gets People Talking

Is it worth investing in your customer service system?

Ask anyone when they received the best customer service. Odds are, they will regale a story about a company that reduced a charge, or an airline that held a flight and saved their day.

Ask them whether they’ll continue buying from that company and you’ll hear about their deep loyalty and how much they recommend or repeatedly buy from that company.


A Company Promise: Do You Really Need One?

How to Make Your Company Promise

A Company Promise: Do You Really Need One?

“A Promise of Something Better” were the words my husband said to me 23 years ago when we first started dating. Those five simple words set the foundation for our amazing life together. It was his promise to me and in turn, it became my promise to him. It’s a promise our family lives by, making life better not only for ourselves but for many others as well. I was thinking about his profound promise today, when planning to explain why a company promise is so important for business owners.


Getting Your System Together for Scheduling Tasks and Appointments

System for Scheduling Appointments and Tasks

Getting Your System Together for Scheduling Tasks and Appointments

Prior to owning a smartphone I missed a lot of deadlines and appointments. Prior to auto-debit online banking I missed a lot of payments. In fact, going way back I remember getting a Hydro disconnection notice for non-payment even though I had enough money in my bank account to pay my bills. The cost was huge in terms of my credit and my bank account paying all that interest and at times penalties.

Being a strategic business owner means taking the time to figure out what you need to do when and actually putting those tasks into some form of calendar that will prompt and remind you to take action. Those items can be bills due, employee performance plans to complete, tax returns to file and even an annual vacation to book because you know if you don’t write it down, chances are it either won’t happen or will happen late.

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