How to Improve Your Place of Business to Increase Customer Traffic

How to Improve Your Place of Business to Increase Customer Traffic

How easy is it for customers to find and buy your product? Place represents the location where a product can be purchased and the distribution channel and logistics it took to get it there. It is about getting products to your consumer and having the inventory available to fill their demand. This may include any


10 Areas of Small Business Operations that Owners Need to Consider

10 Areas of Small Business Operations that Owners Need to Consider

Are you ready to streamline your small business operations? Here are 10 areas of business operations you can review to see better results. 1. Strategy What’s your workflow strategy? Have you considered tactical vs. strategic work? What is taking up most of your time? Is there something you could delegate to someone who could do


Why Systems are the #1 Strategy for Small Business Growth.

Why Systems are the #1 Strategy for Small Business Growth.

Running a small business is hard. There is so much to know to just maintain a business, let alone grow it into a profitable and thriving company. An entrepreneur may be a skilled technician (ex. a hairdresser) yet when they go to open their own company (ex. hair salon) they face a huge learning curve.


Choosing the Best Business Structure for Your New Business

Choosing the Best Business Structure for Your New Business

Many of my clients have said that when they choose a business structure, it’s one of the first moments where they feel like turned their dream or hobby into a business. Are you ready for this next step in setting up your small business? What is business structure? Business structure is a system of organization


9 Essential Sections You Can Include in a Business Plan

9 Essential Sections You Can Include in a Business Plan

As an entrepreneur, your business plan is one of your most important documents. Your plan is the best way to share your goals and secure financing. A well-written plan shares your story, drive, passion, and tells the world that you are serious and committed to making your dream real. So what should you include in


What is Systems Thinking and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

What is Systems Thinking and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

Are you looking for a strategy that can turn your small business from chaos to calm, struggling to profitable? If so, you are going to love systems thinking. What is systems thinking? Systems thinking is a mindset and strategy for solving problems. When someone uses systems thinking they analyze HOW something is happening and make


Working ON the Business vs IN the Business: The Strategy Small Business Owners Need

Working ON the Business vs IN the Business: The Strategy Small Business Owners Need

You may have heard this before “work ON your business as much or more than you work IN your business” (Gerber 1986). This is the key to gaining the freedom you are searching for as an entrepreneur. If it’s more free time to go to your kids soccer games, or more money to support the


The Most Reliable Way to Improve Your Manufacturing Process

The Most Reliable Way to Improve Your Manufacturing Process

The systems/processes you use to produce and deliver your product or service will determine your ultimate business success. If you can’t get your product to your customers or create a product at a reasonable price, you won’t make money or retain customers. If you get your customers their products at the expense of your team,


A Quick Checklist for Easy Small Business Website Maintenance

A Quick Checklist for Easy Small Business Website Maintenance

This post is for all the small business owners out there who don’t consider themselves “techies” but know that a well-maintained website is a must-have for any business in 2021! Chances are you’re wearing multiple hats. You are the business owner and product designer… and financial manager…and head of digital marketing! It’s exhausting. With so

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Position Agreement Template

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Target Market Analysis Template

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