Tariffs and Small Business: What’s at Stake for Canadian Entrepreneurs

tariffs threat by trump government small business

Tariffs and Small Business: What’s at Stake for Canadian Entrepreneurs

Tariffs have long been a tool used by governments to regulate trade, generate revenue, and, at times, as a form of retaliation or negotiation. Recently, proposed U.S. tariffs have sparked significant concern, particularly among Canadian small businesses, which are integral to the country’s economy. Understanding the potential impact and preparing for these challenges is critical


Creating a Culture of Systems Thinking in your Small Business

Creating a Culture of Systems Thinking in your Small Business

In the chaotic world of small businesses, adapting a systems thinking approach can be the difference between success and failure. This concept, eloquently described in Donella Meadows’ “Thinking in Systems” and echoed in the principles of “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, emphasizes the power of habits as disguised systems. But how do we translate this


Are Successful Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

Are Successful Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

So what do you believe? Are successful entrepreneurs born or made? Some people believe that successful business owners are born with the skills, attributes and qualities they need to lead. Others believe that through inspiration, education and practice, you can learn how to be a successful owner. Lots of research on both sides of this question has


What is an Operations Manual and How Can You Make One?

What is an Operations Manual and How Can You Make One?

An operations manual is written documentation of the systems in your business. It’s a “how-to” book for everything in your business, from answering the phones to designing products! An ops manual acts as an instruction manual, allowing for respectful and streamlined communication between you and your team. They build consistency because everyone knows exactly how


Why is Business Location Important?

Why is Business Location Important?

As an owner, choosing a physical location for your business is one of the biggest decisions you will make. Your business location is hugely important to your success. Why? It affects a number of outcomes: Price Location affects your price. People will pay a higher price if the situation demands it. ie. A vendor at

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