The Agony of Boring Staff Meetings

Tackling the root cause of boring meetings

The Agony of Boring Staff Meetings

Having systems around designing, executing and measuring meeting results are critical to the success of sales, staff morale and and overall company direction. Having systems around designing, executing and measuring meeting results are critical to the success of sales, staff morale and and overall company direction.


Personal Mastery for the small business owner

Personal Mastery Graphic

Personal Mastery for the small business owner

Personal Mastery is the discipline of personal growth. It involves approaching your life as a work in progress. How you show up one place is how you show up everywhere. It is about how we think and feel that impacts the decisions we make in business. We all have limiting belief’s that keep us stuck, cost us money and impair our ability to truly reach our full potential.


Still distracted at 9:25 am

managing remote teams

Still distracted at 9:25 am

How often do you find yourself trapped in computer no mans land?  It started out with an e-mail , you clicked, you looked, you clicked again, you made a mental note to check that out later, you saw something you have been thinking about trying and now it’s on sale or it’s free, so you


Authenticity – Being YOU!

Beverlee doing what makes her happy

Authenticity – Being YOU!

Being authentically you is the best way to show up in life.  When you are in that place of just being yourself life becomes easier and more joyful.   Allowing yourself to be in full alignment with all the gifts, talents, charm, love, and caring you have along with your faults and shortcomings makes you

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The Small Business Field Guide

Written in clear, simple language with actionable steps, pragmatic tools and proven systems.


Small Business, BIG Opportunity

Systematize Your Business, Create Personal Freedom, and Live the Entrepreneurial Dream

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Position Agreement Template

Have a reliable and organized team!

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Target Market Analysis Template

Boost your sales with this questionnaire and customer profile.

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How the Canadian Government Supports Small Businesses with Training and Coaching

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Top 10 Hiring Mistakes Guide

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