How to Manage Your Personal Energy as a Business Leader

How to Manage Your Personal Energy as a Business Leader

No time management course or app is going to help you get more done unless you understand, respect and manage your own personal energy and attention style. Making the most of the time you have each week to build and grow your company requires connecting purpose with action and structuring your day so that you


Listening: Your Greatest Business Leadership Tool

Listening: Your Greatest Business Leadership Tool

As a small business owner, your greatest leadership strength is your ability to listen. When you do this well everything else will fall into place. Communication systems start with learning how to listen. We gain knowledge and power when we listen to employees, suppliers, bankers, mentors and customers. Listening to customers for ideas, and feedback can quickly increase


7 Small Business Leadership Skills to Increase Your Confidence

7 Small Business Leadership Skills to Increase Your Confidence

It’s not easy being the boss. At the end of the day, the responsibility for your company’s results rests on your shoulders and it can be a heavy burden. Here are some business leadership skills you can incorporate to have an easier and more fulfilling experience as the boss! 1. Vision Go back to the


4 Communication Skills for Effective Small Business Leadership


4 Communication Skills for Effective Small Business Leadership

Your greatest leadership strength is your ability to communicate. Do this well and everything else will fall into place. There are four key components to effective leadership communication: listening, planning, delegating and documenting. Listening Communication systems start with learning how to listen; to employees, suppliers, shareholders and, of the highest importance, the customers you are


What is Appreciative Inquiry? The Leadership Tool You Need!

What is Appreciative Inquiry? The Leadership Tool You Need!

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an effective leadership tool. Appreciative Inquiry can be described as an affirmative approach to solving problems and generating positive change. AI is based on the premise that you can’t solve problems by looking at the problem. Instead, you look only at what is good about what you already have and what


5 Self-Care Tips For Small Business Owners to Avoid Burnout

5 Self-Care Tips For Small Business Owners to Avoid Burnout

With so many books and blogs about time management, you would think that we would all be living the great entrepreneurial dream and working only a few hours a week. We’d all have amazing self-care systems and never feel stressed running our businesses! Like many entrepreneurs, long days, late nights, massive stressors, eating on the


How to Choose a Holiday Bonus for Your Staff as a Small Business Owner

How to Choose a Holiday Bonus for Your Staff as a Small Business Owner

Are you giving the staff at your small business a Christmas bonus this year? Many small business owners struggle with deciding exactly how to share the spirit of the holiday season with their teams — and very often they also struggle with figuring out how to pay for these extra one-time-a-year expenses. How can we


Fantastic Quotes from Famous Business Owners and Thought Leaders

Fantastic Quotes from Famous Business Owners and Thought Leaders

Check out these quotes from famous business leaders. How do these ideas inform your business decisions? Zig Ziglar Ziglar was a fantastic salesman and motivational speaker. Warren Buffet A well-known business owner and investor. He’s frequently ranked on the Forbes billionaires list. Whitney Wolfe Heard Founder of popular dating apps Bumble and Tinder. Steve Jobs


Characteristics of a Learning Organization and Why You Want Your Business to Be One

Characteristics of a Learning Organization and Why You Want Your Business to Be One

Has your company been able to ride the roller-coaster of change? Or do you feel you are too short for the ride? (Why did they let you on this thing?!) You are not alone. The global pandemic has challenged many businesses with sudden changes and the after-effects are still causing repercussions. So today I want

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