Your voice matters are you listening

small business owners are the backbone of the american and canadian economy_ listent_to_them

Your voice matters are you listening

Yesterday, Trump walked back his plan to impose tariffs on Canadian goods heading to the U.S. While several factors played a role, one stood out: American small business owners spoke up. They made sure their voices were heard, and in the end, Trump listened—not because of political maneuvering, but because he understood the impact on his


How to Use Your Confusion as the Catalyst for Getting Unstuck

How to Use Your Confusion as the Catalyst for Getting Unstuck

If you are like most small business owners, you are continually growing. Which leads to a lot of confusion and feeling stuck in your business. When this happens we can stumble into “imposter syndrome”. This is the feeling that you aren’t good enough or don’t belong. The spiral can look like this: It’s at about step


Why Business Owners Struggle to Assign Tasks and What to Do About It

Why Business Owners Struggle to Assign Tasks and What to Do About It

Do you have a hard time telling your staff what to do? You aren’t the only one. Many small business owners struggle with assigning tasks to someone else. That being said it can be a big barrier to our productivity when we don’t have the heart or the confidence to get people to do the things


Is Becoming an Entrepreneur Hard?

Is Becoming an Entrepreneur Hard?

Without a doubt, being an entrepreneur can be really rewarding and at the same time it can be really hard. Entrepreneurs by the nature of the job, are always in a state of fight or flight, either moving towards something good or away from something bad. Think new client (good) or a bounced loan payment


The Top 10 Attributes of Successful Entrepreneurs

The Top 10 Attributes of Successful Entrepreneurs

Becoming a successful small business owner is no small feat. It requires a unique combination of skills, mindset, and traits. In this blog, we will delve into the top 10 attributes that set successful entrepreneurs apart. Whether you’re just starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking to enhance your existing skills, understanding and building these qualities


20 Thought-Provoking Leadership Questions

20 Thought-Provoking Leadership Questions

Let’s start this off with the first thought-provoking leadership question: What can you change to become the leader needed to reach your entrepreneurial dreams? It’s essential to become aware of your own assumptions, values, principles, strengths and limitations that you bring to the table as the leader of your company. As leaders, we need to


Why You Are Not Achieving Your Small Business Goals and What You Can Do About It

Why You Are Not Achieving Your Small Business Goals and What You Can Do About It

My client Dan is an electrical contractor. His company retrofits old factories with newer, more efficient technology. He sells his clients on the service, then hires subcontractors to do the work. At the start of a weekly coaching session, I asked Dan a question. “What do you want to take from today’s meeting?” “I need

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