7 Practical and Effective Strategies to Expand Your Business

7 Practical and Effective Strategies to Expand Your Business

Do you feel you’ve plateaued in your sales and business growth? Here are some strategies to expand your business. Which one will you use? 1. Customer retention and loyalty Did you know that 80% of your future profits could come from just 20% of your existing customers? To expand your business, you can look to


Characteristics of a Learning Organization and Why You Want Your Business to Be One

Characteristics of a Learning Organization and Why You Want Your Business to Be One

Has your company been able to ride the roller-coaster of change? Or do you feel you are too short for the ride? (Why did they let you on this thing?!) You are not alone. The global pandemic has challenged many businesses with sudden changes and the after-effects are still causing repercussions. So today I want


How to Survive the Effects of Inflation as a Small Business Owner

How to Survive the Effects of Inflation as a Small Business Owner

Have you noticed your suppliers are raising their prices? Is the cost of operating your business starting to rise? What you’re experiencing is inflation. Here’s an example of inflation I’ve seen recently. It was common even a year ago to have a housekeeper charge $25 CAD per hour, now the going rate is $40 CAD.


How to Reward Dedication and Labour in Your Small Business

How to Reward Dedication and Labour in Your Small Business

Yesterday in British Columbia there was a statutory holiday called Labour Day. Most offices and businesses took the day off. It’s a nice break from all the hard work everyone has been putting in this year. I wanted to take a moment and appreciate the labour that goes into your organization and how you can


Changing Your Story: World Domination Summit 2022

Changing Your Story: World Domination Summit 2022

In June, two of my staff members attended the World Domination Summit (WDS) in Portland, Oregon. This summit is best described as a summer camp for entrepreneurs and creative thinkers mixed with TED talks and dinosaurs. I asked my staff members if there was anything they wanted to share about what they experienced there. Avery,


Why Systems are the #1 Strategy for Small Business Growth.

Why Systems are the #1 Strategy for Small Business Growth.

Running a small business is hard. There is so much to know to just maintain a business, let alone grow it into a profitable and thriving company. An entrepreneur may be a skilled technician (ex. a hairdresser) yet when they go to open their own company (ex. hair salon) they face a huge learning curve.


11 Practical and Powerful Actions You Need to Take to Start A Small Business

11 Practical and Powerful Actions You Need to Take to Start A Small Business

Whether you want to start a micro art studio on Etsy, a franchise-style cafe or a tech start-up, you need a solid foundation to support the success of your business. No matter what size business you want to start, or what industry you are in, or even if you consider yourself a “solo-entrepreneur”, this list


What is Systems Thinking and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

What is Systems Thinking and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

Are you looking for a strategy that can turn your small business from chaos to calm, struggling to profitable? If so, you are going to love systems thinking. What is systems thinking? Systems thinking is a mindset and strategy for solving problems. When someone uses systems thinking they analyze HOW something is happening and make


Essential Resources to Help Small Business Owners during COVID-19 in 2022

Essential Resources to Help Small Business Owners during COVID-19 in 2022

How many times since 2020 have small business owners shouted for help? It’s tiring to constantly reevaluate and respond to the changes and restrictions brought on by COVID-19. This pandemic has pushed many of us to the brink of discouragement. Right now, you may just want to give up. How many times can your restaurant

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