Your voice matters are you listening

small business owners are the backbone of the american and canadian economy_ listent_to_them

Your voice matters are you listening

Yesterday, Trump walked back his plan to impose tariffs on Canadian goods heading to the U.S. While several factors played a role, one stood out: American small business owners spoke up. They made sure their voices were heard, and in the end, Trump listened—not because of political maneuvering, but because he understood the impact on his


Understanding the Diverse Landscape of Self-Employment in Canada

Understanding the Diverse Landscape of Self-Employment in Canada

Understanding the Diverse Landscape of Self-Employment in Canada: Key Insights from 2023 Self-employment in Canada encompasses a wide range of experiences and circumstances. According to a recent study, “Experiences of self-employed workers in Canada, 2023,” released on June 3, 2024, by Statistics Canada, the landscape of self-employment is both varied and complex. The study, utilizing


Goals That Mean Something

Goals That Mean Something

How often have you found yourself restarting a significant life or business goal? Reflect on those aspirations that are still on your yearly goals list without accomplishment. These are the goals that hold personal significance, they are goals that mean something and are compelling you to persist until they are achieved. Let’s not overcomplicate goal


Why Customer Feedback Is Important and What Business Owners Can Do to Make the Most of It.

Why Customer Feedback Is Important and What Business Owners Can Do to Make the Most of It.

If customers feel you are not listening to their needs, your reputation and your margins will suffer. Feedback is hard to receive; it’s also gold. The importance of customer feedback can’t be overlooked! So what can you do to make the most of it? Collect customer feedback regularly I recommend surveying your customers via text,


5 Warning Signs Your Business is Growing

5 Warning Signs Your Business is Growing

Wait, warning signs you are growing your business? Isn’t business growth a good thing? Shouldn’t it be all green lights? Well, when business owners aren’t prepared growth can cripple their business. Without the right systems in place, businesses can have a lack of cash flow, supply shortage, or devastating customer service. What are the signs


An Easy and Effective Business Plan Structure for Entrepreneurs

An Easy and Effective Business Plan Structure for Entrepreneurs

Are you ready to start writing your business plan? Here’s what to include in your business plan structure so your company stands out and gets funding! Business plan structure A note on writing your plan Writing a business plan is a process. Before you write your business plan, you’ll first do an in-depth analysis, research,


What to Do When You Get Knocked Down Again (and Again) During Your Entrepreneurial Journey

What to Do When You Get Knocked Down Again (and Again) During Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Being an entrepreneur is hard, especially when it comes to maintaining your motivation. There is so much uncertainty when you are carving a new path. Your idea is unique. You’re the only one who really understands your vision. Yet every day you have to make decisions to move forward and that’s hard to do when


1 Simple and Effective Exercise to Set Goals for Small Business Growth

1 Simple and Effective Exercise to Set Goals for Small Business Growth

There are 5 functional areas of business— operations, leadership, team, finance and marketing. A thriving small business pays attention to each part and finds a balance between all five. What goals can you set for each one to see positive changes in your small business? Business goals can include sales targets, profitability margins, size of

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