How to Survive the Effects of Inflation as a Small Business Owner

How to Survive the Effects of Inflation as a Small Business Owner

Have you noticed your suppliers are raising their prices? Is the cost of operating your business starting to rise? What you’re experiencing is inflation. Here’s an example of inflation I’ve seen recently. It was common even a year ago to have a housekeeper charge $25 CAD per hour, now the going rate is $40 CAD.


How Much Should You Save for Taxes as a Self-Employed Entrepreneur?

How Much Should You Save for Taxes as a Self-Employed Entrepreneur?

Owning a small business means collecting, managing and paying taxes even if you are a self-employed “solo entrepreneur”. Determining what to save for your taxes varies depending on your unique business needs. A surprise at the end of the year is never nice. One of the wisest financial decisions you can make for your small


The Simple Secret You Need to Know to Have a Profitable Small Business

The Simple Secret You Need to Know to Have a Profitable Small Business

If not to make a profit then why are you working so hard? The most common question about profit asked by small business owners is: “why when my books show that I made a profit don’t I have any money in the bank?”. Do you know where your money went? Being fully familiar with your


Are You Prepared For These Small Business Start-up Costs?

Are You Prepared For These Small Business Start-up Costs?

New entrepreneurs are often surprised by just how expensive it is to build and run a business. Without careful planning, your start-up money can evaporate before you have had a chance to make your first sale. To prevent this, know and understand the full start-up costs for your small business. Plan for every dollar you


Canada Summer Jobs Grant (2022): Get the Help You Need at a Price You Can Afford

Canada Summer Jobs Grant (2022): Get the Help You Need at a Price You Can Afford

I often hear small business owners say they need help, but can’t afford to hire anyone. The 2022 Canada Summer Jobs grant is the perfect solution to that problem. Hire a talented student to work at your business for the summer and get up to 50% of their wages covered (100% for non-profits) by the


The 6-Step System to Happiness as a Small Business Owner

The 6-Step System to Happiness as a Small Business Owner

Happiness in business… is that an oxymoron? Whoever is happy in their business must not be trying hard enough! Business owners should give every last bit of energy to their company. After all, the more you work, the more profits you’ll have, and the happier you will be, right? Red flag! This is not true!


4 Simple Ways to Reduce Expenses in Your Business

4 Simple Ways to Reduce Expenses in Your Business

Your expenses are where you have the most control over your small business finances, although it may not feel like it all the time. Here are some ways you can reduce expenses in your business. 1. Negotiate with your suppliers Are you getting a fair deal? Do your suppliers have your back? Have you negotiated


3 Important Small Business Financial Reports You Need to Know

3 Important Small Business Financial Reports You Need to Know

Finances can be daunting to even the savviest entrepreneurs. Luckily, there’s a way to simply and strategically attack this fear. Instead of fixating on the overwhelming stack of bills, financial statements and invoices, you can make informed decisions about your business with just three financial reports. I’m not saying you should ignore everything else, but

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