“Systems work! Make it work the first time then repeat, repeat, repeat!”
The Small Business Coach friends recommend
Why Systems?
People don't fail, systems do.
Our coaching process asks you questions about every system in your company to ensure you are happy with the way things happen. We give you tools to fix things that are broken. We work with you to strategically design an Organized and Profitable business.

Founded in 2008, owner Beverlee Rasmussen was frustrated by the number of friends, associates, and neighbours who, due to changes in the economy, lost their companies. Sadly, the majority of small businesses will fail in the first few years in ANY economy. The ones left standing survive at a huge personal and financial cost to the owner.
That is why SBC exists—to help you, a small business owner, who works harder than anyone in our community and contributes so much for so little personal return.
Ask a small business owner what they want and they will say “I want my freedom back, to earn enough money to take the issue of money off the table and the time to enjoy it”
Why Systems Business Coach®?
Why Beverlee Rasmussen CEC PCC?
Our Founders Story
What was I thinking?
At 31 I quit my job and started my first business.
I was a single mom with no income , no child support and a mortgage to pay. I could no longer live with the constraints of a boss telling me what to do, when to do it and always giving me sh*t when she made a mistake. I was their top seller and was working way too hard, was always away from my son, for way too little money.This was taking us nowhere.
So I did it. With the odds stacked against me, I opened Somerville Travel Inc.
Building a successful business is hard. Fortunately I had some great advice along the way including direction from a well known business book called The E-Myth Revisited, Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About it by Michael E. Gerber. Michael introduced me to the idea of systems.
Systems creation to ensure everything in my company ran as intended allowed me to grow to 3 million in annual sales. My team followed the systems and my company ran profitably with or without me there for 7 years. I was free to be my kids mom, save for his future and to do the work that I loved.
In 1997 the airlines hit us hard with commission caps and in one day we lost 70% of our revenue. Fortunately with great financial systems in place we were easily able to switch to fee based pay and our revenue that year went up by 11%. For 2 years I helped other travel agencies find their footing in this new business model.
Through that experience I found my calling. Looking back now, 20 years later, that was the beginning of my career as a business coach.
I sold that business. At a time when you couldn’t give a travel agency away. It was because of the structure, the simple road map, operations manual, rules and financial model that made it attractive to my buyer. I sold it because I had a system for running the business.
Having now helped over 300 small business owners have similar successes in their companies I am ready to help you.
Reach out if you are struggling.
My programs are available in every city and town, in every state and province, and in every Country.
Economic development starts with small business owners that live and work in communities and they need help.
Building a successful business is hard, I can help.