Today you’re going to see what you can do to apply for the Canada Summer Jobs Grant (CSJ).
This grant helps you hire a new employee to grow your business. It’s perfect for any small business owner who needs more help on a budget. Plus you can empower youth in your community.
Here’s what you need to do.
1. Get started today
If you’re a small business or non-profit organization with 50 or fewer full-time staff, this is the grant for you.
The call for applications is open from December 21st, 2020 to January 29, 2021.

2. Take advantage of the new wage subsidies
Now you can have 75% of the hourly minimum wage covered by the Canada Summer Jobs Grant. (That’s a 25% increase from past CSJ grants.)
3. Scan the new employee criteria
With new flexibilities on employment, you can hire part-time (less than 30 hrs a week) or full-time (30+ hours per week.)
You don’t have to hire a student. They just need to be aged 15-30 years.
Here at SBC, we’ve hired some awesome employees with the help of the Canada Summer Jobs grant. Take Jennifer as an example, she started out as a student three years ago and is practically running the place today!

4. Check out the extended employment period
You used to only be able to employ someone in the summer months.
Now you get to do it year-round. Job placements start April 26th, 2021 and end any time before February 26th, 2022.
In 2020, the average employment period funded by CSJ lasted 8 weeks/ 35 hrs per week. But it’s mandatory to employ someone between 6-23 weeks for 12-40 hrs per week.
5. Make your business a Quality Job Placement
That means you’re committed to:
- Paying youth above minimum wage
- Keeping youth hired beyond the Canada Summer Jobs grant
- Supervising and mentoring youth
- Developing skills for youth to succeed in further employment
- Maintaining a safe work space
A.K.A Your business is striving to be a great place to work.
Learn more about being a Quality Job Placement here.

6. Focus on empowering youth
The Canada Summer Jobs grant looks at these three things when deciding who they are giving the grant to.
- Are you giving a quality work experience?
- It’s important to supervise, give feedback, pay above-minimum wage, and if at all possible, employ your youth employee beyond the CSJ agreement.
- Are you providing opportunities for youth to develop their skills?
- CSJ likes Client Service, teamwork, communication, leadership and digital skills.
- Are you prioritizing youth who face unique barriers?
- CSJ mentions youth from rural areas, LGTBQ+ youth, or youth who haven’t completed high school. Check out the full list here
7. Apply
This one is a bit obvious. But arguably the most important.
In the application, you’ll have to outline your employer information, the job and your requested funds.
How you can apply:
- Online fillable application
- Grants and Contributions Online Services
- In Person
- By Mail
Any of these options work, but they recommend the online fillable application.
You can see the full application guidelines here.
Don’t worry. The application is totally doable. Also, we are happy to help.

Now we want to hear from you!
What aspect of your business would you use the Canada Summer Jobs Grant for?
Let us know in the comments right now.