How to Manage Your Personal Energy as a Business Leader

No time management course or app is going to help you get more done unless you understand, respect and manage your own personal energy and attention style. Making the most of the time you have each week to build and grow your company requires connecting purpose with action and structuring your day so that you

Listening: Your Greatest Business Leadership Tool

As a small business owner, your greatest leadership strength is your ability to listen. When you do this well everything else will fall into place. Communication systems start with learning how to listen. We gain knowledge and power when we listen to employees, suppliers, bankers, mentors and customers. Listening to customers for ideas, and feedback can quickly increase

Do Business Coaches Really Work?

In the age of Google, when we don’t know something, we turn to the internet. One of the top search phrases for business owners looking for help from a coach is: “do business coaches really work?” Having watched the transformation of over 400 small business owners in my own coaching practice, I can say with