Are You Prepared For These Small Business Start-up Costs?

New entrepreneurs are often surprised by just how expensive it is to build and run a business. Without careful planning, your start-up money can evaporate before you have had a chance to make your first sale. To prevent this, know and understand the full start-up costs for your small business. Plan for every dollar you

The Importance of Small Business in Local and Global Communities.

According to the World Trade Organization, small businesses represent over 90% of the business population and they provide 70% of all jobs in the world. Small business owners are the backbone of our economy. It took a pandemic for the public to feel …. and notice the importance of small businesses in local communities and

The Top Qualities of a Good Leader for a Better Small Business Experience

What are the qualities of a good leader? As the leader of your business, how you show up sets the tone for the rest of your team. It also affects customers’ perception of your business. It is a lot of responsibility. Becoming aware of your own assumptions, values, principles, strengths and limitations that you bring

20 Self-Reflection Prompts to Strengthen Your Business Leadership Skills

It’s not easy being the boss. At the end of the day, the responsibility for your company’s results rests on your shoulders and it can be a heavy burden. A common challenge for small business owners is not being aware of their leadership style and the impact this has on the entire organization. A simple