20 Thought-Provoking Leadership Questions

Table of Contents

Let’s start this off with the first thought-provoking leadership question: What can you change to become the leader needed to reach your entrepreneurial dreams?

It’s essential to become aware of your own assumptions, values, principles, strengths and limitations that you bring to the table as the leader of your company.

As leaders, we need to consider what we do, how we think, and who we are being. Consider the following leadership questions.

Thought-Provoking Leadership Questions

1. What are you doing?

  • Are you working in your business?
  • Do you frequently do strategic work?
  • How much do you delegate?
  • How often do you spend time getting new business?
  • Are your hands full doing the same work as your employees?
  • What do you want to spend more time doing?
  • How much time do you put into systems?

You can change what you are doing as a leader by Interrogating your reality, learning to learn first before judging and shaking off old patterns of behaviour that are keeping you stuck

2. What are you thinking?

  • Do you have time to think?
  • Are you considering new ways of doing things?
  • How often do you create solutions in your mind to challenges?
  • When in your day do you think about your business strategy?
  • When are you being quiet and listening?
  • How much time do you spend thinking of ways to solve problems?

Becoming a better leader means focusing inward on ways to become a better human being. No matter how cool, successful, rich or popular you are, there will always be the opportunity to personally grow and develop.

Clarify what is important to you and assess your current reality to see how you are progressing toward that vision.

Leadership Round Icon - thought provoking leadership questions

3. Who are you being?

  • How do you show up as the leader of your business?
  • Who do you need to “be” to lead?
  • What is your state of mind and your presence?
  • Are you calm, overwhelmed, positive or negative?
  • Are you the leader you want to be?

How you show up at one place is how you show up everywhere. Be aware of your energy levels, moods, tolerances, prejudices, favoritisms and mannerisms.

Be the leader you always wished you had!

Until next time, enjoy your Entrepreneurial Journey!

Beverlee Rasmussen e-signature

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